Wednesday, 22 June 2011

MA*RS + Dream V + Grace Gift Wishlist Items ♥

Here are some super cute items by MA*RS on my wishlist at the moment ~

A modern street style school girl look xD I love the floral prints!

An item from the Jewel series! Love the matching leg scrunchy ♥o 
I was about to buy this set (the dress and the leg accessory, but it's actually about $85 CAD for the dress and $65 for the accessory ... too much for my wallet to handle at the moment T__T haha xD ~ Gotta save up for this though! =)

I really want the pink one but it's sold out, and it's about $60 CAD ... a bit too much for lace stockings, but the design is just too adorable xD

Romper and dress sets perfect for the summer weather! ~ ^o^

 Gorgeous necklace, combining both my favourites: Bows and Flowers!

I also came across this Dream V dress that is quite similar to the MA*RS Jewel series

For more than half the price of MA*RS, this dress is extremely sexy and glamourous.

I also came across some extremely cute flats from Grace Gift that made me wanna buy them straight away xD (oh my shopaholic self! haha)

Sooo adorable and I love the pink color! They also look very comfortable and soft ^o^

That's all for now...until next time! I'll be posting up my favourite BB creams and sunblocks on my next post =)