Sunday, 3 April 2011

Phone Charm + Rillakuma + Random

I always love to add some decorations to everything I wear.  I just love details ^o^.
That includes my phone.  I really like adding phone charms onto my phone to give it a more personal and unique feeling, since my phone is usually around me 24/7 =D.

For a while now, I've been using these Liz Lisa phone charms which I got from Makiko Online Store.  I purchased 2 from them: one with a pink bow and pink ball + one with a pink bow and white ball.

In the end, I lost both of them :'(.  One of them fell down the sewer when I was getting out of my friend's car on a rainy day, and another one I lost on the bus.  I was so sad when I lost them...I seem to be losing a lot of things lately >"<.  I guess the hooks holding everything together got a bit loose and that's what made them fall apart so easily.  At least for the second one, only the bear got lost. ~

Well, either way, I recently got a new Rilakkuma phone charm. A bit big as a phone charm in my opinion, but it's still really soft and cute! *o*

By the way, on a random note, my friend recently posted up these really cute pictures on her facebook that I would like to share on here ^o^

So cuteeeee >///< ~