Thursday, 14 April 2011

Cupcakes and Lashes

I'm officially done with all my finals and can finally spend some time blogging again! :D

The Vancouver weather's been really on and off lately.  One day it's bright and sunny, and then rainy and hailing (even snowing) the next. Well I guess I can't really complain since I've been home almost everyday stuck in my room or at the school library studying haha xD.

But it would be nice if it was warm and sunny... I've started fantasizing about wearing summer clothes and going out for shopping on Robson and late night walks along the beach.  Luckily, it won't be too long until summer =)

Anyways, I got a new package in the mail a few days ago:

Top: Jewerich #3 lower lashes, Melliesh #1; Bottom: Eyemazing #1, Jewerich #1

I've heard so many good things about Eyemazing and Melliesh, so I decided to give them a try.  For Jewerich, they looked pretty nice and the packaging was really cute, so I ordered them as well.  I will find some time to write reviews for them soon ^o^.

I also received a small gift from my piano student today ~

I opened my door and my piano student jumps right in:
"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! This is for you"
She was holding it up to me with a huge smile on her face.

So cute! >///< And she had on a princess tiara today with a cute polka dot dress ~

Things that brings a smile to my face and brightens up my day ♥