Wednesday, 6 April 2011

It's Finals Season Again!

I really should be studying... but everyone deserves a study break from time to time! Haha well it's exam season once again, and I have my first final tomorrow, which I'm nowhere near ready for it >.>.  But I'll be fine as long as I finish reading all the material before I head to bed tonight ^o^y...

Anyways, I just got some new items from the mail today =D.

All of them are Liz Lisa

From left to right: Floral top, pink checkered pumpkin shorts, white lacey top, brown checkered top, blue denim jacket

Hehe can't wait to try them on! But no time...have to study for my final tmr T^T.
Oh and I just realized that I left out a polka dot top ^o^"
Anyways back to studying...
Looks like I won't be getting much sleep tonight =_=