Monday, 1 August 2011

Princess Mimi Sesame Grey Review

Ever since Tsubasa Masuwaka x GEO released the new Princess Mimi/ Bambi series, I couldn't wait to get my hands on them xD

Chocolate Brown
Chocolate Brown

Apple Green

Sesame Grey

Almond Brown

I ended up buying all four: Almond Brown, Chocolate Brown, Sesame Grey, and Apple Grey.

I heard GEO sold a LOT of these lenses, to the point that they had to rush their production of them.  Some people complained of lens defects, so I was really worried that the same would happen for me.  So far, I've tried the Sesame Grey ones and there were no defects ^o^y

The colour was so vibrant and they were very comfortable as well ~

My Rating

Comfort: 9/10 It was very comfortable, even though the size was 15mm

Color: 10/10 the color was very vibrant and bright, which I loved! 

Enlargement: 10/10 definitely good enlargement without looking too extreme ~

Overall: 10/10 Really loved the vibrant grey and totally made my eyes pop =)


On a side note, I found this awesome makeup tutorial video by SeeSeeWorld on youtube ~
She's so gorgeous and she has quite a few makeup videos on her channel =)
I tried to follow how she did her makeup in the above pictures ~
I made a few changes though... didn't have so much black eyeliner on and I added a bit of grey sparkle on the inner corners of my eyes ~

Went to Fabric on Saturday night ~~~ here's my outfit for the night ^o^ ~

I think I've gained some weight over the summer >3< Haha too much good food and late night snacks when I'm studying ~  Time to go on a diet before school starts in September xD